萝莉 幻塔 缅甸民族合营政府崇拜把缅军政府定性为东说念主民公敌(英译汉)

译者按:9月5日,缅甸民族合营政府用缅语和英语同期发布宣布,崇拜把缅甸军政府定性为“东说念主民公敌”(注:缅军政府又称我方为“军事委员会”、“国度贬责委员会”萝莉 幻塔,民族合营政府称之为“军事集团”、“恐怖军事集团”)。 欧美性色图 宣布原文本及汉文译本如下。 Statement on the designation of the Terrorist Military Group (SAC) as the Enemy of the Republic of the Union of Myanm...

萝莉 幻塔 缅甸民族合营政府崇拜把缅军政府定性为东说念主民公敌(英译汉)

译者按:9月5日,缅甸民族合营政府用缅语和英语同期发布宣布,崇拜把缅甸军政府定性为“东说念主民公敌”(注:缅军政府又称我方为“军事委员会”、“国度贬责委员会”萝莉 幻塔,民族合营政府称之为“军事集团”、“恐怖军事集团”)。



Statement on the designation of the Terrorist Military Group (SAC) as the Enemy of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and the People对于详情恐怖军事集团(国度贬责委员会)为缅甸联邦共和国和东说念主民公敌的声明

5 September


The military group, operating under the name of the State Administration Council, has committed not only treason and betrayal against the state and the people, but also daily war crimes, such as targeting and killing civilians in cities, villages, and refugee camps using various types of weapons, and carrying out airstrikes and bombings across multiple areas. These grave crimes violate international laws of armed conflict and human rights laws, and they constitute serious war crimes that must be prosecuted in international courts and military tribunals, leading to appropriate punishments.以国度贬责委员会形状运作的缅甸军事集团,不仅犯下了抗拒国度和东说念主民的罪过,每天还犯下了干戈罪过萝莉 幻塔,使用各式火器在城市、村落,以及苍生营,袭击和屠戮子民,对多个地区进行空袭和炮轰。这些严重罪过违背了国外武装冲破法和东说念主权法,组成了严重的干戈罪,必须在国外法院和军事法庭上告状他们,让他们赢得应有的处分。

Furthermore, the terrorist military group, operating under the name of the State Administration Council, has been forcibly recruiting young people aged 18 to 35 and older civilians aged 35 to 65 to be used intentionally as human shields in battles. The group has been engaging in actions that harm the political, economic, health, educational, and social interests of the people residing in the Union of Myanmar and damage the dignity of the nation. Their activities are aimed at the utter devastation of Myanmar, undermining national security and defense, which is why they are now designated as the enemy of the state and the people. 此外,以国度贬责委员会形状运作的恐怖见解军事集团一直在强行征召18至35岁的年青东说念主,以及35至65岁的年级偏大的子民,在讲和中专诚将他们用作念东说念主盾。缅甸军事集团(国度贬责委员会)一直在伤害居住在缅甸联邦的东说念主民的政事、经济、健康、老师和社会利益,毁伤国度庄严。缅甸军事集团(国度贬责委员)所干的事,推敲是澈底摧残缅甸,防止国度安全和国防,因此当今他们被详情为国度和东说念主民的敌东说念主。

From today onwards, we declare that any involvement, support, or cooperation with the terrorist military group’s affiliated organizations, defense, and security mechanisms will be considered acts of treason against the state and people, supporting terrorist war crimes. We urge all citizens to oppose and resist the terrorist council’s operations by all available means.咱们宣布,从今天起,任何参与、复旧或配合恐怖军事集团从属组织、国防和安全系统的四肢,王人将被视为抗拒国度和东说念主民、复旧恐怖见解干戈罪过的四肢。咱们敦促悉数国民,通过一切可用手艺,反对和阻抑恐怖国度贬责委员会的四肢。

We also call on Myanmar’s neighboring countries, ASEAN member states, and United Nations member states, who desire peace and stability in Myanmar, to take effective and strong actions against the terrorist military group operating under the name of the State Administration Council.咱们还命令缅甸的邻国、东盟成员国和集会国成员国,唯有但愿缅甸和平与结识,王人应汲取有用、强有劲的四肢,打击以国度贬责委员会形状开展四肢的缅甸恐怖军事集团。

National Unity Government



(缅甸民族合营政府原件2)萝莉 幻塔
